Online Currency Exchange Calculator

Convert Currencies of the World to Chinese Currency

The Online Currency Exchange Calculator, an currency changer, China currency converter, lets you find current currency exchange rates and how much your money is worth in China (and in the world) today. The static currency conversion table or currency exchange table is no longer needed here.

For your convenience, here are the currency values and conversion formulas for the three Chinese money units. For more information about currency in China, go here.

  • 10 fen = 1 jiao (or 1 mao)
  • 10 jiao = 1 yuan ( or 1 kuai)
  • 100 fen = 1 yuan

For example: 8.88 yuan = 8 yuan 8 jiao 8 fen (or 8 kuai 8 mao 8 fen).

It's good to familiarize yourself with Chinese money terms.

(You may be aware why we used 8 in this example. Yes, eight is one of the Chinese lucky numbers. We wish you good luck in China! )


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